- 产品品牌:广州怀鸽起重
- 产品型号:美国
GT-Ⅱ type geared trolley have 5 specifications from 1/12t to 5t , The geared frolley is hand operafed by pulling the hand chain ,running on the bottom falnge of monorail.With the screw hanger to adjust the width of I-beam,They are widely used in factories ,mines,wharves,docks,warehouses and engine rooms for installation of equipoment and conveyance of goods,They are especially suitable for maintenance and conveyance of goods,They are especially suitable for maintenance and repairing of equipment inplaces where no power supply is avallable .Model GT-Ⅱ 05 10 20 30 50
Rated capacity Ton 0.5 1 2 3 5
Test load Ton 0.75 1.5 3 4.5 7.5
Running height m 3
Chain pull to lift full load n 45 80 150 120 160
Min radus of curve m 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4
Dimonsions (mm) A 225 252 300 360 392
B 173 188 226 290 313
C a 292 300 310 324 329
b 377 385 395 409 414
Dmin a 292.5 302.5 319.5 354 365
b 383 393 398 425.5 430.5
F ≈3
Adiustable Beam Width (mm) M a 64-220 64-220 64-220 64-220 64-220
b 160-305 160-305 160-305 160-305 160-305
Extra weight per meter of extar lift kg ≈1
Net weight a 13.3 13.3 15.9 23.2 37.7
48.9Volume (cm) b 13.7 13.7 16.4 24 38.8
a 33x29x24.5 33x29x24.5 35.5x33x29 39x38x35 46.5x39x37
b 42x29x24.5 46x33x29 46x33x29 46x38x35 53x39x37还专业供应:手拉葫芦,电动葫芦,多功能提升机,汽车捆绑带,手扳葫芦,手推单轨小车,吊线滑车,双链油桶吊钳,搬运坦克车,千斤顶,室外吊运机系列,电子吊秤等系列。联系电话:0757-82801701-809 联系手机:18934371701 QQ800006332麦先生